Read Book Positive Affirmations: How the Power of a Positive Mind Brings Success
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In “Positive Affirmations: How the Power of a Positive Mind Brings Success”, author J. Victoria Lambert shares what she has learned by living through years of difficult life struggles and from her over 25 years of research in how to overcome fear and lack of self-confidence.
Do you ever ask yourself questions such as, ‘Why am I in this situation?” or “Why can’t I seem to achieve my goals?” Do you find yourself thinking, “This isn’t the life I envisioned. This isn’t what I had hoped for”? You may feel disappointed or trapped, as if other people or circumstances are running your life or controlling you, as if you were a puppet on a string.
There is power in words. Harmful words spoken to us or that we speak to ourselves have the real potential of stopping us dead in our tracks, holding us hostage.
It’s a rotten feeling, being out of control. The fact is there are going to be some things in your life that you can’t control. The trick is learning how to deal with those things and discovering what changes you can make to impact your situation. You can’t control how some things happen or what other people are going to say or how they’re going to behave. That doesn’t mean you’re out of control.
Sometimes outside influences in our lives interfere with us reaching our dreams. Other times we are our own worst enemy – and may not even realize it. This book offers insights to help you determine the root causes of your struggles.
This book explains how your beliefs and attitudes affect your brain and other biological functions, which affect the outcome of your life. You may be surprised by what you learn. Practical exercises provided in this book will help you begin forming a track to run on to reach your goals and feel better about yourself.
The statistics and facts included in the book will confirm the power of positive affirmations in taking you down the path to your dreams and goals. You will also learn how to discover if you are unknowingly sabotaging yourself.
J. Victoria Lambert is also the host of the “How to Take Control” podcast, which was featured in the top ranks of iTunes “New & Noteworthy” podcasts.
Product Details
- Sales Rank: #372811 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-04-05
- Released on: 2015-04-05
- Format: Kindle eBook
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