Read The Art of Significance: Achieving the Level Beyond Success
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What would you rather have - conventional success or a high level beyond success? Dan Clark, one of the world's leading inspirational speakers and leadership trainers, vehemently opposes the conventional wisdom about success. He believes it's tragic and superficial to build our careers and personal lives around getting more money, bigger houses, cooler toys, and fancier job titles. What's it all worth in the end? How many outwardly successful people still feel empty inside? Clark has spent decades traveling around the world, interviewing the famous and powerful; consulting with presidents and generals and sheikhs and corporate leaders; creating a multimillion-dollar business; and (before any of the above) overcoming a paralyzing injury.
All those experiences have convinced him that the happiest people in the world don't pursue success at all. Instead, they pursue significance - and find that success comes along as part of the package. He illustrates his ideas with a wide range of powerful true stories from business, education, the military, and sports - starting with his own story of fighting his way back from a serious injury that cut short his football career. Paralyzed both physically and emotionally, Clark began his recovery only when he started to focus on purpose rather than on goals; on being whole rather than famous; on serving others rather than seeking praise. In the long run, that accident was the greatest gift he ever received, setting him on a lifelong path toward true significance.
Clark's wisdom will stimulate your intellect, challenge your beliefs, and penetrate your heart. By following his Laws of Significance, you will learn to connect your head and heart, manage your priorities, and live an extraordinary life that matters to your family, friends, coworkers, community, and country.
Product Details
- Sales Rank: #50048 in Audible
- Published on: 2013-04-11
- Format: Unabridged
- Running time: 25920 seconds
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